How to create a dynamic SQL query using a variable in SQL

Dynamic SQL is a powerful tool in SQL that allows you to dynamically generate and execute a SQL query based on user input or variables. This allows for greater flexibility and control in your SQL queries, as you can modify the query based on specific criteria without having to hard-code the entire query.

One of the key components of dynamic SQL is the use of variables. By using variables, you can make your dynamic SQL queries more flexible and easier to maintain. The idea is to assign a value to a variable, which can then be used within the dynamic SQL query.

To create a dynamic SQL query using variables, you can use the DECLARE statement to declare the variables you will use in the query. You can then use these variables to build the dynamic SQL query using the SET statement. Finally, you can execute the dynamic SQL query using the EXEC statement.

Here is an example of how to create a dynamic SQL query using a variable in SQL:

-- Declare the variables for the dynamic SQL query


DECLARE @tableName NVARCHAR(100) = 'table_name';

DECLARE @columnName NVARCHAR(100) = 'column_name';

-- Build the dynamic SQL query using the variables

SET @SQL = 'SELECT ' + @columnName + ' FROM ' + @tableName;

-- Execute the dynamic SQL query

How to create a dynamic SQL query using a variable in SQL
Fig : Example Query of Dynamic SQL

In this example, the variable @tableName is used to dynamically specify the table name in the query, and the variable @columnName is used to dynamically specify the column name in the query. The resulting SQL query is stored in the variable @SQL and is executed using the ‘EXEC‘ statement.

It’s important to note that it can expose your database to security vulnerabilities if not implemented correctly and executed using the EXEC statement. This allows for the creation of dynamic SQL queries that can be easily modified by changing the values of the variables.

Finally, the dynamic SQL query is a valuable tool for building flexible and scalable SQL solutions. By using variables, you can make your dynamic SQL queries more flexible and easier to maintain, and this can greatly simplify the development and maintenance of your database applications.

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